Workshops & Events


get your feet wet!!

Dive into Nia with this introductory online offer!
3 Nia classes with Hollly for $1O. New students only.

Classes are ongoing.



Decoding the Language of Nia

with the 52 Moves

The Nia Technique’s holistic fitness program is built with the alphabet of the 52 Moves. With 27 moves for the base, 7 moves for the core, and 18 moves for the upper extremities, Nia guarantees every part of you will be moved. Nia classes with Holly are ongoing at the Meyer Center and online.  This workshop takes place in-person at the Meyer Community Center, 2275 Dartmouth St.

Saturday, July 13, 9:00 am - 11:30 am CT

$30 registered online, $35 at the door.

Happening Now!


In this 45-minute Nia M2H class on Zoom, you can expect to receive a clear focus and intent for each class. We will step in to warm up, get moving, cool down, and experience floorplay either standing or seated.

Classes are ongoing.